Sunday, May 29, 2011

WS1 petrol Fuel Injector Testing

WS1 Petrol Fuel Injector Testing

1. Listening the injectors sound used the stethoscope at idle engine, i had test all of injectors .
Comments; All the four injectors have the same sound.

Checking voltage to the injectors when idling and key on. battery voltage 14.06 volts.

Recording voltage at each injectors .

6 Set the multimeter to read  Hz , and with engine idling, record the reading for each cylider in the box below.

Cyl #2
Cyl #1
Cyl #3
Cyl #4


In this picture showing Cyl #2 reading in Hz ( at Idle 12.45 Hz).

7. Next multimeter still set to read Hz but in increase the engine RPM , recoording in box below.
Cyl #2
Cyl #1
Cyl #3
Cyl #4

In this reading multimeter Cyl # 1 wich is 32.15 Hz.

Cyl # 4 record 32.25 HZ

Furmula :
"Puls width ms = (% Duty cycle / 100) / Frequency"
Show your calculation: 98.1%/100/ 13.53Hz = 0.07250ms.

Calculate Time @ Idle:
Cyl #1: 98.1% / 100 /13.53 Hz= 0.0725 ms
Cyl # 2 ; 97.6% / 100/ 12.45 Hz= 0.0783 ms
Cyl # 3:  97.6% / 100/ 12.44 Hz= 0.07784 ms
Cyl # 4;  97.5% / 100/ 12.50 Hz= 0.078 ms

Calculate Time when revved:
Cyl # 1: 82.2% /100 /32.15 Hz= 0.0277 ms
Cyl # 2: 82.3% /100 /32.91 Hz= 0.0250 ms
Cyl # 3: 88.85 /100 / 32.12 Hz = 0.0276 ms
Cyl # 4: 82.2%/100 / 32.25 Hz= 0.0254 ms

I had check supply voltage to injectors and i showed that they all got approximately 14.6 volts.

Then we started the engine and back probe to injectors ground wire and connected our  LED tester to battery ground terminal (negative). When we touch ground wire of injector with engine running the LED light were flashing really fast even on idle and after increasing engine RPM's it went even faster, so that showed that all injector are triggered with ground wire and they all working properly and that with more engine RPMs frequency increases so they mast open faster. The reading is acceptable for me.

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