The air flow mass sensor is used in automotive engine to find out the mass of air entering a fuel injected internal combustion engine.. The air mass information is necessary for the engine control unite to blance and delver the correct flow mass to the engine.
Air changes it is deneststy as expands and contraact with temperature and pressure. There are two common type of mass air flow sensors , which vane meter and hot wire , both meassure air mass directly , both sensors designed out put voltage 0.0 volt - 5.0V or puls - width modulation (PWM) signal, that is proportional to the air mass rate. Both sensors have an intake air temperature (IAT) sensors incorated into their housing.
I had used in this experment Boch air flow meter connected to the 5V supply first i have get 0.58V output voltage, also i hve folow of Boch Maf Maping wich we have at work book.
Blowing in sensor it was changed the out put voltage up to 3 volts .
The MAF sensor change the resistance with air mass passing it and colling down sensor wire ( hot wire) inside mass air flow sensor it is a resister group called winston bridge which meaassure to point resistance out put compear them and take a decision what to do, that called to ECU.
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